Turquoise is such a happy color. I was looking through some of my interiors photography recently and realized I’ve shot many homes that feature this blue-green hue. It made me think about the color and its meaning. I stumbled upon this site and found the following rather eloquent description:
Turquoise reflects the color of the world at the vernal equinox, as the blues of winter melt into the greens of spring. It is a fresh, welcome energy that moves us to serenity as new growth and life emerges. It brings hope, discovery and balance. Turquoise tempers excesses, restores calm after a storm, relieves stress, and neutralizes extremes. It helps us moderate aggressiveness and deal with rage. It brings us back to center. In lighter shades, Turquoise energy promotes inner harmony and peace through spiritual understanding. Darker, richer tones bring considerable power — and flexibility. They counter intolerance and let us adapt to new ideas and environments.
Here’s a sampling of some of my favorite photos that feature turquoise. And if you want more, I encourage you to visit House of Turquoise, a blog dedicated to the color (and one in which we’ve had the privilege to be featured in throughout the years).
1 comment
Pam Stukenborg April 25, 2016 at 4:16 pm
I have always associated the color turquoise with Colorado & Arizona.
Thank you Nancy for resetting this impression with your stunning imagery that captures and truly reflects the definition!